Watch Baba Yaga
The film follows a young fashion model named Vali, who becomes involved with a strange and mysterious woman known as Baba Yaga. Baba Yaga is a witch who uses her powers to lure young women into her clutches and turn them into her slaves. Vali becomes increasingly drawn to Baba Yaga, and begins to uncover the dark secrets of her past and the source of her supernatural powers. As she gets closer to the truth, Vali must confront the evil that threatens to consume her and escape the grasp of the powerful Baba Yaga.
release date
September. 20,1973
run time
1 hr 29 min
Corrado Farina
Corrado Farina
production companies
14 Luglio Cinematografica, Productions Simone Allouche, Rewind Film
Where to Watch Baba Yaga
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