Watch Benji
Benji is a popular film franchise that started with the release of the first movie, also titled "Benji," in 1974. The series centers around a charming mixed-breed dog named Benji, who always seems to be in the right place at the right time to help those in need. Joe Camp is the writer and director behind the films, and the original Benji was played by a rescue dog named Higgins, trained by Frank Inn. Later in the series, Higgins' own offspring, Benjean, took over the role of Benji.
release date
October. 17,1974
run time
1 hr 26 min
Joe Camp
Joe Camp
production companies
Mulberry Square Productions
Where to Watch Benji
Unfortunately the movie is not available to stream online on your favorite apps like Netflix, Prime Video, Disney+, Hulu or HBO Max etc.