Watch Buffalo Soldiers
(2003)Buffalo Soldiers is a 2002 war comedy movie by Gregor Jordan. The story is set in 1989, Germany, on the outskirts of Stuttgart. With the Berlin Wall crumbling, Ray Elwood, an Army soldier, turned his attention to the booming black market online. Then came a new master Sergeant(Scott Glenn) who made it clear that he would fix the base. Elwood did not care, he was confident that he could handle the new official, and fell in love with the new official's daughter Robyn. However, by chance, a batch of stolen ammunition worth 5 million fell from the sky into the hands of Elwood, he decided to take the risk of making a fortune.
October. 31,2002
1 hr 38 min
Gregor Jordan
Gregor Jordan, Eric Weiss, Nora Maccoby
Film4 Productions, Good Machine