Watch Ether
(2018)The doctor, who is graceful, moves the colorful heart but accidentally kills the dizzy girl with the wrong hand. The danger was the guillotine and he thought to escape death's grasp, but the devil was watching. On the eve of war, he was sent to the frontlines and recruited by Austrian-Hungarian generals who were interested in studying ether as an anesthetic. Drugs can numb pain but also create a monster who feels no pain or fear. This monster desires to control the minds of others. In "Lust," Zanluci re-evaluates traditional morality. The two-part structure shows how the reckless doctor made a deal with the devil and also highlights the rise of fascism. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
November. 30,2018
1 hr 57 min
Krzysztof Zanussi
Krzysztof Zanussi
PISF, Laokoon Filmgroup, Wytwórnia Filmów Dokumentalnych i Fabularnych