Watch Falling Down
(1993)Falling Down is an action movie directed by Joel Schumacher in 1993. The actors are Michael Douglas, Robert Duvall and so on. William Foster, played by Michael Douglas, is an engineer in a military factory. He is depressed after being fired. Because of the divorce, the youngest daughter's birthday was not invited, and there was a traffic jam on the way. He abandoned his car and walked into a grocery store. He wanted to find some change to make a phone call, but he was confronted with difficulties. He took up a baseball bat and smashed the store. While resting in the park, he fought with the hooligan again; In the fast-food restaurant, he pulled out the pistol seized from the hooligan and shot at random because of a dispute with the waiter. At this time, he was completely out of control. Finally, facing the gun of a retired police officer, he couldn't help asking himself: "Am I a bad man?"
February. 26,1993
1 hr 53 min
Joel Schumacher
Ebbe Roe Smith
Canal+, Warner Bros. Pictures, Regency Enterprises
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