Watch Fight Club
(1999)By chance, Jack meets soap salesman Tyler (Brad Pitt), a rebellious, brutal, violent gangster hero who lives in Tyler's rundown house because his apartment is on fire. They become good friends and then they create a Fight Club which is an underground organization that allows people to fight only with hands without payment just for venting their emotions. The club attracted more and more people and became a national underground organization. Members of the club stirred up trouble and wreaked havoc everywhere, and Taylor himself became increasingly deranged. A highly subversive parable of social life. Powerlessness, the inability to change the status quo, is the cancer of modern life. Nothingness makes people suffer, and makes them want to recover the reality of their existence in various ways.
October. 15,1999
2 hr 19 min
David Fincher
Jim Uhls
20th Century Fox, Regency Enterprises, Fox 2000 Pictures
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