Watch Muck
(2015)A group of friends narrowly escapes from an ancient burial ground, hidden and forgotten beneath the Cape Cod marshes. The journey out leaves them bedraggled and wounded, having lost two of their comrades along the way. The group eventually discovers an abandoned vacation home beside the foggy marsh and takes refuge inside. Unfortunately, their relief is temporary as something is still after them, and even as they send one of them to summon help, they all sense that it is not just evil in the marsh they need to worry about. A more brutal, more savage enemy lurks outside, poised to destroy them. What comes next is beyond description, an indescribable horror from which there is no escape. Stuck between two lethal forces, the group must fight for survival, and their choices are fighting, dying, or retreating.
March. 13,2015
1 hr 39 min
Steve Wolsh
Steve Wolsh
WithanO Productions, Universal Studios Sound Facilities
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