Watch The Climb
(2002)In this gripping tale set in a snowy mountain, two climbers with contrasting personalities are brought together for a rescue mission and become unlikely partners in an unforgettable adventure. Derrick Williams is a talented climber who is determined to prove his skills to the world. He is paired with Michael Harris, also a skilled climber, known for his cautious approach and nicknamed "Safety-Man". The two are given a well-funded expedition to climb the treacherous Mt. Chicanagua in the Chilean Andes. However, their real challenge is not just the mountain's deadly slopes, but their own conflicting beliefs and attitudes, which will test their willpower and faith. The tension builds up from the very beginning, leading to a stunning and dramatic finale.
February. 22,2002
1 hr 39 min
John Schmidt
Robert Pierce, Patrick Egan
Dean River Productions, World Wide Pictures