Watch The Elephant Man
(1980)The Elephant Man primarily tells the story of John Merrick, who is forever imprisoned in an ugly and deformed body and, unfortunately, forced to live a cruel life as an exhibit in a Victorian-era amusement park wearing a terrifying burlap sack. Exploited by sadistic showman Bytes, who squeezes every penny he can out of him, Merrick is ridiculed and disfigured multiple times. When Merrick meets Dr. Frederick Treves, a compassionate physician, who provides Bytes with a huge compensation to allow for a more thorough examination of Merrick at a London hospital.
October. 10,1980
2 hr 4 min
David Lynch
Eric Bergren, Christopher De Vore, David Lynch
Paramount, Brooksfilms
Where to Watch The Elephant Man
Unfortunately the movie is not available to stream online on your favorite apps like Netflix, Prime Video, Disney+, Hulu or HBO Max etc.