Watch Wuthering Heights
(1998)The story revolves around the life of Heathcliff, a gypsy boy who is taken in by a devout landowner in northern England. He grows up to be the closest of companions to Cathy Earnshaw, the daughter of his adoptive family. Tragedy strikes when Cathy's father passes away, and her brother Hindley returns and banishes Heathcliff to the stables. Despite this setback, Cathy and Heathcliff continue to live wild and free on the moors. However, their love is tested when Cathy begins an affair with Edgar Linton, the son of a wealthy neighbor. The situation is complicated further when Heathcliff retaliates by marrying Linton's sister in a loveless union. Cathy's eventual death marks the beginning of a cycle of grief and spite that continues to plague the next generation. Despite her passing, Cathy's spirit continues to haunt Heathcliff throughout his life.
September. 11,1998
1 hr 52 min
David Skynner
Neil McKay