TV-PG 27 Seasons
Big Brother Season 24
TV-PG 27 Season
Big Brother season 24 continues to follow a group of all-new houseguests in the big brother house. All summer long, they will be separated from the outside world and stay with other strangers, competing for safety and power. They will vote for a new head of the house and an outcast each week until the final houseguest wins the 750,000-dollar prize.
production companies
Endemol Shine North America, Fly on the Wall Entertainment, Endemol USA
Where to Watch Big Brother Season 24
Season 24
- Season 27
- Season 26
- Season 25
- Season 24
- Season 23
- Season 22
- Season 21
- Season 20
- Season 19
- Season 18
- Season 17
- Season 16
- Season 15
- Season 14
- Season 13
- Season 12
- Season 11
- Season 10
- Season 9
- Season 8
- Season 7
- Season 6
- Season 5
- Season 4
- Season 3
- Season 2
- Season 1
Big Brother Season 24 Episode Guide
S24 E1 Episode 1
Jul. 06,2022
16 complete strangers will live in total confinement, cut off from the outside world. All summer long, they will compete for safety and power. Each week they will vote to evict one of their own, until only one house guest remains to claim the 750,000 dollar grand prize.
S24 E2 Episode 2
Jul. 10,2022
Tonight the game is officially underway! Alliances will form, have-nots will be chosen, and Daniel will nominate two houseguests for eviction.
S24 E3 Episode 3
Jul. 13,2022
Tonight it's the first Power of Veto competition of the summer, will Terrance or Michael be saved from the block?
S24 E4 Episode 4
Jul. 14,2022
Tonight, the house guests have been in the BB motel for 9 days. Emotions are high, and a shocking announcement changes the course of the game. Plus, the battle for power begins again!
S24 E5 Episode 5
Jul. 17,2022
Tonight will the Southerner be side lined, or will she compete? And who will devour power at the messiest fest yet. Plus two houseguests will hit the block.
S24 E6 Episode 6
Jul. 20,2022
Things get fishy at a mer-tastic veto competition. Who will win the golden power, and will it be used to save either Pooch or Taylor?
S24 E7 Episode 7
Jul. 24,2022
Following a live vote, a houseguest is evicted and interviewed; remaining houseguests compete for power in the next head of household.
S24 E9 Episode 9
Jul. 27,2022
Will the power of veto save Michael and Brittany from the block? Plus escalating tensions set off a chain of events that will turn the whole game upside down.
S24 E10 Episode 10
Jul. 28,2022
Will it be a double serving of blindsides courtesy of the Leftovers? First the veto meeting, then the live eviction!
S24 E11 Episode 11
Jul. 31,2022
Will a Leftover become the new head of household, or will the other side of the house turn the tables? Plus, see the drama that unfolded as the shocking blindside sent the house scrambling, and which besties will hit the chopping block.
S24 E12 Episode 12
Aug. 03,2022
Things get trippy in the veto competition. Who will win the golden power, and will it lead to another shocking veto meeting?
S24 E13 Episode 13
Aug. 04,2022
Tonight, who will be evicted from the Big Brother house? Nicole or Taylor? Plus, don't blame global warming, it's Kyle and Alissa that are heating things up.
S24 E14 Episode 14
Aug. 07,2022
Earning the Head of Household will be no walk in the park for the final 12, and another set of besties are block bound. Plus it's the muffin mystery that broke the internet.
S24 E15 Episode 15
Aug. 10,2022
OTEV is back. Who will capture the veto at the stage roach festival? And will it be used to save the besties on the block? Plus, Muffingate rocked the whole world, and tonight the saga continues.
S24 E16 Episode 16
Aug. 11,2022
Either Daniel or Kyle will be the final non-juror sent packing. Plus, with the Festie Bestie twist ending, who will overcome the legendary BB wall competition?
S24 E17 Episode 17
Aug. 14,2022
Who will conquer conspiracy fast and emerge with power? Will the Leftovers continue to dominate, or will someone new turn the house upside down? Plus a new showmance begins to blossom.
S24 E18 Episode 18
Aug. 17,2022
Tonight it won't just be the power of Veto on the line, prizes and punishments will be doled out to the house guests. Plus the Leftovers have been dominating for weeks, but are cracks staring to emerge?
S24 E19 Episode 19
Aug. 18,2022
Tonight, will Kyle put his showmance in the line of fire? Or will the powerful Leftovers alliance begin to crumble? Plus, the first houseguest will be sent to jury, leaving the final ten to be thrown into a brand new BB Fest twist that is literally going to split the house.
S24 E20 Episode 20
Aug. 21,2022
The Big Brother game splits in two, who will be with Michael inside and who will joins Terrane outside? Plus with two simultaneous games being played that means four house guests will hit the block.
S24 E21 Episode 21
Aug. 24,2022
Two separate Veto competitions will be played, who will win at Big BroChella and who will claim power at Dyre Fest? Plus which member of the Cookout returns to get in on the action?
S24 E22 Episode 22
Aug. 25,2022
Things get savage at Dyrefest. Buckle up for a double eviction. Who will be booted from Big Brochella and who will be dismissed from Dyrefest? What will happen when the final 8 reunite?
S24 E23 Episode 23
Aug. 28,2022
Will the Afterparty go to war with the leftover Leftovers? Plus who will be stacked with power in the most crucial Head of Household of the season? And two more houseguests will hit the block.
S24 E24 Episode 24
Aug. 31,2022
A slippery veto is on the line, who will slide into power? Plus a dramatic series of events changes the course of the game.
S24 E25 Episode 25
Sep. 01,2022
Tonight, a powerful house meeting will put everything out in the open. Plus, will Kyle be nominated at the veto meeting? And who will be evicted from the house?
S24 E26 Episode 26
Sep. 04,2022
Who will become the new Head of Household, and who will be targeted for eviction? Plus Zingbot is back to roast the final seven.
S24 E27 Episode 27
Sep. 07,2022
BB Comics are back! Who will rise to the super occasion and win the power of Veto, and will it be used to save Alyssa or DJ Showtime?
S24 E28 Episode 28
Sep. 08,2022
Tonight, either Alyssa or DJ Showtime will be sent to Jury, but they won't be alone. Double eviction baby. A full week of gameplay in one night.
S24 E29 Episode 29
Sep. 11,2022
Tonight, with only 5 remaining the game kicks in to overdrive. Witness the drama you didn't see that lead to Michaels shocking eviction. Plus, a new head of household will be crowned & two more houseguest hit the block.
S24 E30 Episode 30
Sep. 14,2022
The final five go cuckoo trying to win the power of Veto. Will it be used to save one of the nominees?
S24 E31 Episode 31
Sep. 15,2022
A Brittany spiral could change the fate of the nominees. Who will be sent to the jury, and who will win the Head of Household, guaranteeing a spot for them at finale night.
S24 E32 Episode 32
Sep. 18,2022
The final four go to battle in an action packed hour. Who will Taylor nominate for eviction? Plus the final and most important veto competition of the summer plays out.
S24 E33 Episode 33
Sep. 22,2022
Tonight, Monte will cast a sole vote to evict either Brittany or Turner from the game. Who will make it to finale night? Plus, is there trouble in HOH homeroom paradise? And the legendary Cookout Alliance will reunite live to discuss the final three.
S24 E34 Episode 34
Sep. 23,2022
With the final three set, Monte, Taylor, and Turner will look back at the epic summer. Witness the LOLs. The TMIs. Plus, part one of the final three-part head of household competition kicks off.
S24 E35 Episode 35
Sep. 25,2022
Tonight, all three parts of the Head of Household competition play out. Who will emerge victorious and earn the power to cast the final eviction vote of BB 24? Plus, the jury returns to choose the winner of the $750,000 grand prize. And find out who you voted as America's favorite house guest.
Cast of Big Brother Season 24
Julie Chen Moonves
Self - Host